Discernment Survey Questions

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The first question we asked in our discernment sessions was what drew people to UUCNH.  Given all the other churches, community service organizations, clubs, and social justice organizations available to people, we wondered why people chose to commit their time and resources to UUCNH.  We wondered what UUCNH provides that these other organizations can’t or don’t.

Responses to this question generally fell into the three categories noted below.  To help us gain more clarity on why people are attracted to UUCNH, we ask you to rate the following in terms of how important it is for your decision to come to UUCNH.  Please rate each of the following on a scale from one to ten, where one means that the factor is not at all important to you and ten means that the factor is extremely important to you.
QUESTION #1 - I come for the community, the friendships, the acceptance, the caring, the support, and the fellowship I get in my church family.
Please select all that apply.
Question #2 - I come for the spiritual growth, to explore various traditions and perspectives, and to learn from others who are on a similar quest as I develop my own theology.
Please select all that apply.
Question #3 - I come because UUCNH is an agent for change and transformation.  I like that the church is focused on social justice issues and making the world a better place.
Please select all that apply.


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