Discernment Survey Questions (#3)

Please fill out this form and then click submit. Thank you for your response.

Our mission statement states our desire to transform ourselves and our world.  This week, we’re asking a few questions to explore this topic.  Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following on a scale from one to ten, where one means that you strongly disagree with the statement and ten means that you strongly agree with the statement.

QUESTION #1 - UUCNH initiatives are helping to transform our broader community and our world.

Please select all that apply.
Question #2 - UUCNH is helping to prepare and equip indindividual members to have an impact on their communities, each in their own ways.

Please select all that apply.
Question #3 - I’m personally involved in “transformation” activities.

Please select all that apply.
Question #4 - I’m less personally involved right now, but value that others in UUCNH are representing the church in helping to transform the world.

Please select all that apply.


Please fill out this form and then click submit. Thank you for your response.